Keep the --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- Ball --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- from hitting the ground --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- If it drops your character will automatically attempt a --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- Ball Save --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- . --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- Keep an eye on the --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- Clock --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- , you have --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- 60 seconds --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- to score as much as possible. --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- You get --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- 5 Balls --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- per round - --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- Look out for the --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- Extra Ball --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- if you need it. --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- You Start with Two --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- Ball Saves --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- Get a --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- Yellow Balloon --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- for more Ball Saves. --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- Ball Saves --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- will be used automatically as the ball drops.